❓ What are DOM's and why use them?

DOM's (Dominants Online Money) is the unit of currency used on Dominants.co. They are a virtual currency that can be cashed out by Masters for real money to a Bank Account, Revolut or Gift card.


Below are a few reasons why DOM's are great.


🔒 DOM's are secure

When you buy DOM's from us you do so through our payment providers which are specifically targeted for the adult industry in a completely anonymous way - nothing naughty shows up on your card bill. To protect your privacy charges will be processed securely and appear discreetly on your card statement.


👁️‍🗨️ You do not give other users your personal information

Sending other user's payment via way of Tips means that you are not giving them any personal information. All they receive are the DOM's and notification of who sent them, nothing else. This means that unlike other on-line services you are completely protected against fraud and other nasty things.


🚫 Other payment providers don't allow it

Using online payment providers for what they consider 'adult transactions' violates their terms of use. If you get caught doing it or if someone disputes a payment, you will more than likely find your account closed, or money being returned to the sender. This is why we do not allow the discussion of other on-line payment providers on the site. Don't put yourself at this risk!


📈 Keep track of what you are spending

It's easy to get carried away when you are in the moment and before you know it you could have spent a fair bit tributing a Master. With DOM's, you can buy a set amount and keep track of what you are spending via the DOM's transactions page. This way you know that if your DOM's are gone you have probably reached your limit. It's all about being responsible whilst still having fun.


😇 We can sort out any problems

If you take the risk of not using DOM's and then you come into difficulty with your tribute (user goes off-line or doesn't do what was agreed for the money etc) you are pretty much stuck. The other payment providers will not help you as you should not be using their service for that anyway. With us, you do not have that problem. You can either use the contact us form at the bottom of every page, or go to the user's profile and click the 'Report User' button. We will then open an investigation and return any DOM's if needed. With us, you have complete security.


❓ How does it work?

Once you have bought some DOM's you are free to do with them as you wish. DOM's are used for most things on the site, so they are pretty important. If you need DOM's to do or view something on the site then the cost will be clearly visible. If you choose to go ahead the DOM's will be taken from your account and a transaction will be added to your DOM's transactions page so you can see where they are being used.


If you are using your DOM's to tribute a Master then you can do so by going to Send to a friend from Payments menu and type his name or username to send his DOM's, it's that easy.


💰 How do Masters get their money?

Masters can cash out their DOM's monthly using the withdraw DOM's screen. We offer a number of transfer methods so you just need to pick which one suits you.


💷 How much a DOM worth?

1 DOM is worth $ 1.00.


📜 Other terms

To view the full Terms and Conditions about using DOM's, please visit here.