masterRAOUL danny571
skype: masterraoul1<br />yahoo: balmoral1980
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hey fag! add me on skype and find out how u can be of use to a real man: skype: masterraoul1
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fakers are to be exposed and thats what is happening NOW!<br />You are FAKE, bitch!!
yes he said he was going to tribute and he is not from UK cause he asked me if i was near indiana michigan boarder... it dot matter her wont be here longger
That is a total lie...i never said i would tribute..I am from UK... I am lookin for real meets...I also travel a lot which is why i asked if u were near Chicago....I dod not know the geography of the USA!!!!!!
hes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehes fake<br />fakehe... View More