SLAVE APPLICATIONAttention my new slaves! After you have read my rules, you will need to complete this application.Instructions :Cut & Paste this form into your body of your emailAnswer all the questi... View MoreSLAVE APPLICATIONAttention my new slaves! After you have read my rules, you will need to complete this application.Instructions :Cut & Paste this form into your body of your emailAnswer all the question with 100% honesty. I will find out if you are lying. And remember your privacy will be protected with me. The Subject of your email is ONLY: SLAVE APPLICATIONAttach your a recent photo of you (clearly showing your face) to the emailPay your initial tribute: a minimum of $50 USD Click here for instructions on how to pay it.Send this application to: mjakeca@gmail.comONLY after completing this application and sending it to me I will accept you as my official slave!  DON’T SEND ME THIS APPLICATION WITHOUT A TRIBUTE! REMEMBER: I DON’T NEED BROKE AND POOR SLAVES.1) Your REAL First and last name:2) Age:3) Height:4) Weight:5) Location:6) Language(s) spoken:7) Able to travel:8) Online/realtime:9) Yahoo:10) Skype:11) Gmail:12) Listing ALL your Fetish AND fantasies:13) Cock size:14) Your job:15) Weekly financial balance:16) Paypal (Yes/No, if Yes your Paypal email):17) Do you use Amazon/ Amazon gift cards ?:18) Do you have a webcam & microphone?:19) Do you have a cellphone?:20) Do you have a Teamviewer?:21) Are you Interested in buying my used gear?:22) Any other information you want to tell me:23) Your Slave name:24) YOUR FACE PICTURE !Once you have completed this application, send it to SLAVE APPLICATION as the subject), attach a face photo of yourself, and tribute a minimum of $50.00 USD via paypal to :