Master Jax
on Feb 18, 2016
SlaveTomEurope is the newest addition to my official slaves list. He paid his $50 cash tribute, bought me an item from my Amazon wishlist, sent me this awesome photo, and then wrote up his slave induction summary.
Check my website for the steps to become an official slave just like all these other faggots.
Except from his summary:
"I just moved again for an internship, and actually, I have even less time and money than before, because everything is very expensive here. I had a tough day. I came home and I wanted to free my mind. I wanted to visit your page. But this time, I was not satisfied by just looking all the other guys tributing, making sacrifices...I wanted to to the same. It was not my plan, it was spontaneously but I felt, that I needed this tonight. I sometimes think, that I feel attracted to Financial Domination, because a lot of decisions in my life are all about money: how to get it, how to prepare well for working life, how to pay back student loans, etc...Maybe, I want to free myself from all this money and give it away to something better than me, someone more worth than I am. And that was my thought when I tributed my first 50$ to you..."
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