Subhumans Predator
on November 25, 2015
Since our very birth we are violently indoctrinated in the damaging ideology that we all are –or SHOULD be- *equals*, and should relate to each other as such on a sexual, emotional and spiritual level. This authoritarian pedagogy negates the obvious fact that we all have different capacities, needs and desires, and forces us to spend most of our lives trying hard to adapt ourselves to those imposed egalitarian lifestyles, fighting permanently against our innermost feelings, thoughts and desires. And we do it because the social cost of defying the dictatorship of equality is too high: from losing friends and family to being bullied or ostracized, or even incarcerated. But one day we realize we are physically unable to maintain the farce, either because we are too tired or too sick, and we finally decide to follow our nature’s calling. It is the beginning of a very difficult process: there are DECADES of brutal equality brainwashing and unhealty self-denial habits to uninstall, and an exhaustive work of re-education to be done. Keep reading at the Info section of my profile before contacting.
Dimension: 1133 x 757
File Size: 452.46 Kb
Hot, Sir. And hi! Long time no see.
December 3, 2015
Subhumans Predator
This is not meant to be hot, but relevant. This is the difference between real Masters/slaves and most of you, sexual gameplayers: you do it just as a theatrical game to get off, We/we live it as a lifestyle. Therefore the frivolous comments about how "hot" this is.
December 3, 2015
You should try playing a game now and then.
December 3, 2015
Subhumans Predator
You should try not making assumptions about people you don't fucking know not even a pinch.
December 3, 2015