on January 11, 2015
so... im fucking divorced but every fucin one of her bitch friends have to sqy where im at what im doing and everything but im not ever doing anything. so this is what i said to them.
This is to all the girls that think it's their damn business to talk shit.. Antler..Payne ..mikeal.. I'm separated trying to be civil for my daughter and me being on Facebook or anything else is none of your Damon business ... U wanna run ans tell her when we r separated then go be it your ducking pathetic cause I have a daughter that I do more then ne of any of you so called women so I took a special pic for you so called women since u care about my life so much... I think I met you guys like what...5 times maybe ...stay in ur own business I'm worried about my daughter and ask the woman you are telling all these lies to and she will tell u I'm a great father and was a great husband but why don't u ask the real reason we rr not together . cause my hands r clean so here u girls go. Screen capture it u pathetic ..o wait what'd u call me abd my friends douchbaga or something..I do..I don't pay attention to ur relationship cause ..if not,my,gf nor,interesting
Dimension: 540 x 960
File Size: 54 Kb