on December 27, 2014
This is my last post about Ronin since everybody can see how he is and this screenshot shows that as well. The 3 masters that did vouched for me/defended me are Drew on this site and MasterMichael and Beachstud28 on mj(which i have posted several times, so Ronin knows which 3 i was talking about). All 3 well known at least on the site they are on but also in the scene and known to be real and serious. As you can see Ronin now claims 1 of them is having a fake profile on mj and 1 is a wannabe (so also fake) and 1 of them is now as well saying i scam masters. I talk to Drew and MasterMichael regulary and with Beachstud28 now and then. All 3 wouldnt still be talking to me or would have allready posted it somewhere if they really thought i was a scammer.
This last post shows once again what Ronin does when he gets desperate and how far he goes with making the most stupid and false statements. I think there is no better warning for fellow slaves then this. Avoid Ronin at all cost! I rest my case.
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