Master Drake
on September 17, 2013
Dimension: 720 x 540
File Size: 61.37 Kb
going now SIRS. that man in the middle is making me obey SIRS be back once I put my head in toilet SIRS
November 11, 2013
Alpha's cunt
I know that wasn't directed at me Sir, but i have followed the order anyway Sir. Not even going to dry the toilet water off my face Sir!!! <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />
November 11, 2013
face is wet SIRS! You have us faggots wanting to obey SIRS
November 11, 2013
Master Drake
go in skype, both losers, MasterDrake28
November 11, 2013
straight guys hang a photo of Marilyn Monroe on their wall?? lol
Feb 13, 2014
Master Drake
shut up scum!
Feb 13, 2014