on December 29, 2012
Dimension: 732 x 672
File Size: 177.83 Kb
idiot ... its one thing when a Master is letting a feet slave to worship his Feet and the other thing when a fake faggot masters go on cam and eats his one cum ... i am cleartly wasting My time with u boy !!!
December 29, 2012
Actually, the two are quite similar. Both are going on cam and giving the sub what he wants in order to get money from the sub. Not much different from being prostitutes.
December 29, 2012
u realy need to be banned from this site .... and the first thing when King is back I will ask him .. because u dont have any respect fucking worthless idiot !!
December 29, 2012
ask them ... when durring the session. When u will serve Me u will have the right for a opinion ..and is not about romainan master and others .. all are welcome in the site and they do what they want , the point is u have to make the difrence between a fucking cam model that perform for how much u... View More
December 29, 2012