WHY DO WE SERVE MASTER YOUNGnCHARGE? Why do fags keep crawling back on their knees? Why does he even control our minds? EXACTLY! Because he doesn't only upload pics, telling he's the best over and over again, only shouting and swearing at us fags all the time, only to make a fast buck, BUT because he deeply BELIEVES that fags are inferior to him and only have the ONE purpose - serving him! And MOST importantly his family environment and his friends know about his way of treating us and his way of making a hell lot of money, which means he's not ASHAMED of what he does! (why should he anyway) Also, don't let us forget, that he is intelligent! he's not a lazy idiot without educational qualifications, he knows exactly what he does and what he wants! (UNFORTUNATELY) i served several Masters before and a HUGE difference to MASTER YOUNGnCHARGE was, that the other Masters only treated me bad....no matter how hard i tried to hand over as much cash as possible...no matter how unexpected my payments were...always the same treatment! MASTER YOUNGnCHARGE doesnt try to be the "super harsh and cool" guy. He knows exactly about his superiority and therefor doesn't need to play any role! If you are a good fag, he shows his satisfaction...(and believe me, nothing better than the feeling of having been a good fag!) he doesn't need to shout at his fags all the time only because of the fear of getting boring to fags if too kind! NO, because he knows that he does exactely the right thing! NATURE made as UNEQUAL and MASTER YOUNGnCHARGE Knows about this fact and enjoys the benefits of it! So let us ALL make his birthday on Nov. 24 as special as possible! Let us send him more money and gifts than any other Master has EVER received!!! GO ON MASTER YOUNGnCHARGE!!! YOUR FAGS LOVE YOU AND WILL ALWAYS BE AT YOUR PERFECT AND GODLY FEET! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING US!!!!! Your sincerely, crawling fag footlicker83
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well said footlicker, 76 slaves in Master Joshua's stable are fully aware of all these facts. For those who still resist, join the EMPIRE and submit to youngNcharge! resistance is futile anyway


thank you Maverick!

too hot!!!