on August 2, 2021
Do not weep for me, for I will soon be gone.
My body may die, but my soul will live on.
Perhaps up to heaven, maybe eternity,
or be reborn as another, when I am set free.
Do not weep for me, for I will soon be gone.
I was a survivor since my first breath was drawn.
I loved and was loved by animals and man,
siblings, friends, and strangers since my life began.
If you fear dying, you'll not live a full life,
as pain and dread will cut through like a knife.
Live each day with joy while you're here on this earth;
make each day count, with compassion and mirth.
Do not weep for me, for I will soon be gone,
my body may die, but my soul will live on.
I leave all of you with my love, and I pray
that our souls will touch once again someday.
Dimension: 380 x 393
File Size: 32.14 Kb